Brandon Riverbank Discovery Centre is hosting Truth and Reconciliation Week events beginning Tuesday, September 26th.
The Brandon Urban Aboriginal Peoples’ Council has released this week’s schedule:
Tuesday, Sept 26
7AM, Sunrise Ceremony and lighting of the Sacred Fire, led by Tim Bone and Frank Tacan at the East Picnic Shelter
9AM, Survivors Flag Raising and Ceremony with Deputy Mayor Glen Parker, BUAPC Board Member Bruce Luebke, and Lead Knowledge Keeper Frank Tacan at Brandon City Hall
1PM, Tipi Teaching and Raising at the Riverbank grounds with Tim Bone and Debbie Huntinghawk
6PM, Brandon University Indigenous Peoples’ Centre presents a free public showing of Bones of Crows at the Evans Theatre
6:30PM, Sacred Fire Teaching with Tim Bone at the East Picnic Shelter
Wednesday, Sept 27
Site is open to the public while School Programming is going on during the day from 9AM to 4PM
6:30PM, ‘The Land as a Teacher’ with Aaron McKay, a conversation about the interconnectedness of physical and metaphysical @ Sharing Circle
6PM and again at 7PM, 3 Languages in 3 Tipis with the Sixties Scoop Healing Centre with Language Teachers. George Pelletier in Metis, Eleanor Elk in Dakota, and Diana Morrisseau in Cree.
Thursday, Sept 28
Site is open to the public while School Programming is going on during the day from 9AM to 4PM
6:30PM, ‘The Orange Shirt Story’ storytime with the Brandon Public Library and conversation with Elder Lorraine Pompana @ Sharing Circle
6:30PM, ‘Two Eyed Seeing, Drone and Tech, & Traditional Wisdom’ with Adam Subject and Darby Essie presentation inside Riverbank Discovery Centre
4PM to 7PM, Beading at the Riverbank with the Sixties Scoop Healing Centre
6PM, Brandon University Indigenous Peoples’ Centre presents a free public showing of Bones of Crows at the Evans Theatre
Friday, Sept 29
Site is open to the public while School Programming is going on during the day from 9AM to 4PM
6:30PM Traditional Foods and Medicine with Eugene Ross @ Tipis
Saturday, Sept 30
Indigenous Arts Area open from 10AM to 4PM under the Event Tents
10AM, Teaching on Orange Shirt and What is Truth and Reconciliation with Lead Knowledge Keeper Frank Tacan at the Fusion Stage
1PM, National Day of Truth and Reconciliation introduction and welcome with Chief Bone, Mayor Fawcett, and Eleanor Elk at the Fusion Stage
2PM, Orange Shirt Walk to Brandon’s Residential School site begins. At the site, Orange Shirt Walk participants will arrive for Stories, Reflections, Closing Remarks, and Prayer from approx. 3PM-4:30PM with Sioux Valley Dakota Nation.
An alternative walk is available around the Riverbank Trails that is led by an Elder for others that may find the 6+km walk inaccessible.
4PM, Food and refreshments after the Orange Shirt Walk at the East Picnic Shelter followed by Giveaways
5PM Healing by the River begins at the Fusion Stage:
* 5:00PM, Welcome from BUAPC Board Member Nellie Kopitz
* 5:10PM, Emcee introduction with Bill Taylor
* 5:15PM, Lighting of the quilliq (Inuit lamp)
* 5:35PM, Steven Demontigny, Metis Fiddler
* 6PM, Sioux Valley Dakota Nation Grand Entry and Powwow Demonstration with Drumming Group TBA and 15 Dancers
* Healing by the River ends with a Kahomini (Round Dance) for everyone!
Sunday, Oct 1
Indigenous Arts Area open from 10AM to 4PM under the Event Tents
10AM, Kairos Blanket Exercise with Debby Dandy and Cyndi price at the Tipis
2PM, Closing Ceremony and Speeches with Frank Tacan and BUAPC with a Feast. Candy scramble for the kids and Food and Kitchen Scramble. Everyone is welcome!